Maisto Tailwinds, Gone?

For planes made after 1980 {The end of Dinky Toys} and those currently being made.

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Re: Maisto Tailwinds, Gone?

Postby MichaelB » Mon Mar 21, 2016 2:31 am

Some old Maisto card backs.
I don't know this early history but it looks like someone got pressings from the same molds that Road Champs had used...which had Lintoy origins...and brought the line out. Later they expanded and gave itself the name "Maisto" and I believe this to be the May Tat Toy Products. It was May Tat who would own/operate as Maisto until just a few years ago, when production would falter and then, end - at least of the aircraft - as a new owner took over.
Currently there are Maisto Tailwinds on the "mass market" out there. Losing order from WalMart for this product must have hurt.
The last before tailwinds came out.
Mega Masters KMart card back 1995 Same as Road Champs.
Airlines shown on box back, 1995
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Re: Maisto Tailwinds, Gone?

Postby MichaelB » Fri May 06, 2016 2:27 am

I just took a saunter through our local Tuesday Morning (a remainders shop here in the US) and guess what: Adventure Wings! Not too many but all priced at $3.99 which is even more than WalMart charged for them - a bunch more!
Nothing of interest but this is a sure sign that they have been dropped from local retailers.
...another sad day for collectors of "dollar" airplane toys.
I remember, in the mid '90s, when I could walk into Toys R Us and select from no less than 5 different "toy" airplane lines.
I blame the internet! :)
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Maisto Tailwinds, Returned?

Postby Tone » Mon Oct 22, 2018 10:43 pm

In the past two weeks, I have seen boxes of the former Maisto Tailwinds (re-named Adventure something-or-other) in two different Way-Mart stores. These included the Blue 777.
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Re: Maisto Tailwinds, Gone?

Postby MichaelB » Tue Oct 23, 2018 12:32 am

"Adventure Wheels" or something. Yes - they're back! Looks like the usual line up, but, again, the 787 and 777 are in orange and blue. No changes.
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